According to Alexander Auzan , it is necessary to protect personal data without rejection, through global digital platforms. These are, in particular, car sharing, rental, classifieds, online hypermarkets and other aggregators. On the one hand, digital platforms must actively compete with each other for users. On the other hand, it is to build ecosystems from applications and services.
Platforms should have simple and completely transparent user agreements that outline all data protection measures and how they are used. Agreements are drafted in accordance with uniform standards, and their compliance is monitored by the digital ombudsman. In parallel, it is necessary to improve legislation in the field of personal data protection, to increase fines for their leakage.
It is necessary to work with the users themselves: to increase their digital literacy, to provide the right to be forgotten - that is, the removal of information about oneself on websites and in online applications.
The Computer Systems Analyst will collaborate with personnel and management staff to clarify, prioritize and design alternatives.
Boris Glazkov , on the other hand, believes that the best way to protect data is decentralization: not online platforms, but a variety of local services. This fits with the principle of "do not store eggs in one basket." But the problem is that all data has an entry and exit endpoint. For example, a smartphone, where we store data and access to all services used.
A possible solution is a kind of consent platform. A person should have not only the right to be forgotten, but also to consent. First, he can consent to the use of his data, and then withdraw it at any time. The state can act as an operator.
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