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Going After the People Behind DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks happen every day. Well-prepared organizations can repel an attack with few repercussions. Poorly-prepared organizations sustain the attack, often to their detriment. They experience downtime, lost business, and customer loss of confidence, and they might even be subjected to ransom demands. Lately there has been a rash of attacks where the perpetrators have demanded a ransom paid in Bitcoins in order to avoid or stop the attack.

how to report a ddos attack?

Whatever the circumstances, many attacks have one thing in common: the victim organization rarely reports the crime to law enforcement if they don't “have to.” The reasons for no report range from not wanting to garner the attention that an investigation would bring, to the belief that the attackers will never be brought to justice anyway, so why bother? Of course, some attacks are so high profile that law enforcement feels compelled to get involved.

Fortunately for everyone, the “lack of justice” excuse is diminishing. Law enforcement agencies around the world are having some success in busting the people behind the attacks.

The most notable bust came in December 2015 with Operation Pleiades, in which European authorities arrested two people in Bosnia and Herzegovena who are connected to the cyber crime group DD4BC (DDoS For Bitcoins). One of the two individuals that were arrested is described as being a leader of the loosely affiliated criminal group. DD4BC has been definitely linked to a series of DDoS extortion attacks over the past 18 months, many of which were targeting online gambling sites.

In announcing the arrests, a statement from Europol said, “The action was initiated as part of a global law enforcement response against the criminal organisation. Key members of the organised network were identified in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the UK Metropolitan Police Cyber Crime Unit (MPCCU) which provided vital information to the investigation. Police authorities from Australia, France, Japan, Romania, the USA, Switzerland and INTERPOL supported the coordinated activities.”

The statement further said, “Operation Pleiades resulted in the arrest of a main target and one more suspect detained. Multiple property searches were carried out and an extensive amount of evidence was seized.” It's possible that the arrest of more DD4BC members is likely in the coming weeks and months.


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